Wednesday, December 22, 2010

HYG 2010 Recap

It's been a big year at Howard Yezerski Gallery. We've had ten very successful shows, showcasing work by 16 artists. We started off the year with two photography shows, first Gary Schneider: Drawn from Life and after, a group show, Boston Combat Zone 1968-1979 featuring Roswell Angier, Jerry Berndt and John Goodman. Schneider went on to a solo show at the Reykjavik Museum in Iceland. The Boston Combat Zone show gained a huge amount of press from Boston Magazine, the Boston Herald, the Boston Courant, WBUR Radio and WBZ TV News. This week the exhibit was named by the Boston Phoenix as one of the Top 10 Exhibits of 2010.

Emily Eveleth, Hands with 8 Ball, 2010 oil on board
These two photo shows were followed by two painting shows. The first, a show of new work by abstract painter Paul Shakespear called Black/White. The second was a show called Better Not Tell You Now, which showcased non-donut works on paper and mylar by Emily Eveleth (two in oil on panel and canvas respectively).

We moved into Spring with a show of new work by British photographer Neeta Madahar: Flora. Moving in a new direction from her earlier series', the photographs in Flora are personalized portraits of friends of the artist, and are a collaborative effort on the part of the subject and Madahar.

Installation View: Powell/Tellin
Our summer exhibit was a group show called Between Form and Color: John Powell and James Tellin. It combined the lighting sculptures of John Powell with the landscape tables of Jim Tellin in a bright, colorful, seasonal show that was reviewed by Cate McQuaid in the Boston Globe.

After a brief vacation we opened the fall season with Yana Payusova: Kunstkamera. This was Payusova's first solo show with the gallery, which consisted of 16 paintings showing scenes of memories from Payusova's childhood, growing up in Soviet Russia.

Following Payusova was a show of abstract painting by three artists: Rudolf de Crignis, Winston Roeth and Ulrich Wellmann. All three are internationally recognized for their work in abstraction and monochrome. Their work brought a colorful dynamism to the gallery that was paired nicely with the back room show of Brian Zink's new work in plexiglass.

Chris Killip, Helen with her hoola hoop
The last show of the year is Chris Killip: 4 & 20 photographs, a show of 24 photographs by the British born, high school educated, Harvard professor who has never before had a solo show in the US. This show was given a two page spread in the Boston Globe in a review by Mark Feeny, which reproduced 5 photographs from the show. To bring some holiday cheer to the gallery, we hung a back room show of work by Susan Jane Belton called Coffee To Go which features 23 of her iconic coffee cup paintings as well as two of her drawings on mylar.

An impressive list of shows to add to the repertoire of a 25 year history of the gallery in Boston. The biggest change this year was saying good bye, after seven years, to gallery director Alexis Dunfee, who left some big shoes to fill. Other changes have been our introduction into the social media world of Twitter, as well as beginning this blog to keep HYG enthusiasts up to date on what's going on with the gallery and its artists. All in all it was a great year for the gallery! We look forward to seeing you in 2011!

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